Cadet Wing Photo

Cadet Wing Photo

Thursday, January 31, 2013

LLAB 3 SP 13

LLAB 3, Physical Fitness Assessment. Better known among the cadets as the day to give it your all! What a way to kick off the beginning of the Spring semester at Det 195 then to have a PFA to reinvigorate the cadets and drive them forward. Despite the dreary cold January weather, the PFA definitely brought up the heat when pushing through push-ups and sit-ups and sweating through the mile and a half run. This semester's PFA took place in DeLaSalle gym which featured a 14 lap mile and a half track as opposed to the 6 lap mile an a half track that was used outside for the PFA the previous semester. Even knowing this, not one cadet let the number of laps throw off their concentration and determination. Everyone did an outstanding job! There were quite a few cadets who received a 95 or better on the PFA and were awarded a new Det 195 Blue PT  T-shirt for it. We also had one outstanding cadet who received a perfect score of 100 on the PFA and was awarded a Black T-Shirt. Congratulations C/Maj Brunson on this outstanding achievement! Also, congratulations to all the cadets today on displaying their warrior spirit!