Cadet Wing Photo

Cadet Wing Photo

Monday, April 8, 2013

LLAB 11 SP 13

Saturday, 6 April 13. The double-header plus one. This day proved fruitful in many ways for those cadets who dedicated their Saturday weekend to attending three AFROTC events. Not only was LLAB on the schedule that day, but MULLAB 2 and RWD (Rising Warhawk Day) was also featured. To begin, LLAB 11 was a review of training for the cadets at Det 195. Instead of being retaught by the trainers, GMC taught GMC the procedures of an ORI, FDE, dorm maintenance, and road guard procedures. This not only boosted comradery between the GMC, it also helped to strengthen previous knowledge. With LLAB 11 out of the way, no time was spent in getting ready for MULLAB 2. During this time, road guard procedures and dorm maintenance were further reinforced, as well as a refresher on flag courtesies and procedures. Then with MULLAB 2 over and to end the day with a bang, Rising Warhawk Day was officially commenced. Unlike your normal LLAB experience, RWD really took cadets out of their comfort zone and had them think on their toes as they recalled upon all that they were taught. RWD was no training session, it was a continuous test and evaluation on what cadets knew. To heighten the tension, the POC used their finely tuned skills at picking out the smallest descrepancies in the GMC cadets and informed the cadets of such with intensive yelling. All in all, LLAB 11, MULLAB 2, and RWD was an outstanding success and any cadet who attended definitely went home that day with improved skills.